domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019

Acrosstic Poems, About Basho
By, Alexander Garcia 

An old man writing poems
his name Basho a nice poet
one of the best haiku poems writer 
bad that he past out but
left us full of nice poetry.

The black dog love to play 
but not always he obey 
but no matter what love my dog
I love play with he in the house.

During the time I'm working 
I think that i will become a poet 
I'm doing really nice poetry 
lets continue working

Basic man in
All the poem he write
So he loke write haiku poems
He write many of thems 
On his carrer like a poet

Ofcourse he is a 
Lovable boy that have a different point of
View from many people that know him
In his entery life only somes know well him
Never give up in any thing no mmatter what.

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