lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

Research About Matsuo Basho

Matsuo Basho (1644-1694) fue uno de los mejores poetas japoneses. Elevó el haiku al nivel de la poesía seria en numerosas antologías y diarios de viaje.
El nombre de Matsuo Basho se asocia especialmente con la célebre era Genroku (ca. 1680-1730), que vio florecer a muchas de las personalidades literarias y artísticas más grandes y típicas de Japón. Aunque Basho era el contemporáneo de escritores como el novelista y poeta Ihara Saikaku y el dramaturgo Chikamatsu Monzaemon, estaba lejos de ser un exponente de la nueva cultura de clase media de los habitantes de las ciudades de ese día. Más bien, en su poesía y en su actitud hacia la vida, parecía remontarse a un período de unos 300 años antes. Innovador en poesía, espiritual y culturalmente, mantuvo una gran tradición del pasado.
El haiku, una forma de verso de 17 sílabas dividida en frases o líneas sucesivas de 5, 7 y 5 sílabas, se originó en el verso vinculado del siglo XIV, y se convirtió en una forma independiente en la última parte del siglo XVI. Arakida Moritake (1473-1549) fue un distinguido poeta renga (poema vinculado) que originó versos ingeniosos y humorísticos que llamó haikai, que más tarde se convirtieron en sinónimo de haiku. Nishiyama Soin (1605-1682), fundador de la escuela Danrin, persiguió los ideales de Arakida. Al principio, Basho era miembro de esta escuela, pero rompiendo con eso, fue el responsable de elevar el haiku a un arte serio, convirtiéndolo en la forma de verso por excelencia, que ha permanecido desde entonces.
Las obras poéticas de Basho, conocidas como las Siete Antologías de la Escuela Basho ( Basho Schichibushy ), se publicaron por separado de 1684 a 1698, pero no se publicaron juntas hasta 1774. No todos los aproximadamente 2, 500 versos en las antologías de Basho son por Basho, aunque es el principal contribuyente. Otros once poetas, sus discípulos, también contribuyeron con poemas. Estas antologías reflejan así la composición realizada por grupos de poetas con Basho como árbitro del gusto, inyectando sus comentarios sobre los poemas de otros, organizando sus obras en contraste favorable con las de ellos, y generalmente teniendo la "última palabra". Se entendió que era el primer poeta de su grupo y que esperaba una gran cantidad de deferencia.

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019

Grecia Poems, About Basho


I like rock
Dayani like pop
I like to sleep
She like it too
I am small
She is big
She dont like to fall
I love eating pig

We are diferent 
But we are friends
She is inteligen 
I am the One that never have a end
But both of us we love anime 
That keep us together for the rest of our lifes

 Grecia Poems, About Basho

               You can be

You can love what ever person you want 
It can be a woman it can be a man
Dont forget the only thing that is important  is your fellings 
Stay calm and keep loving  

You can be gay 
You can have my love and you can stay
Dont mater who you love all of us we are the same
Grecia Poems, About Basho

        My family

My brother draw 
I watch anime
My sister like memes
My old brother love rock 
And he smoke 
And my mom , she like watching news

Today is raining and maybe the light will go
But i am calm because i am at home
My dog cry and he is tall
But inside he is like a doll
Grecia Poems, About Basho

        I have...

I have two sisters
And one mister
I have one dog and one cat 
He eat rat
My favorite is the dog
Just because he is not small

The dog is Minato 
My brother put that name
And the Minato smell 
All that is food
My cat is allmost death
Grecia Poems, About Basho


The ocean is really happy because you are here the fish is around , he want to dont go
I am happy too
Because you are doing what i want to do

You are the sun
I'm the moon
I shine because you
You love me i love you and nobody can shurt you

              The sky

The sky is blue 
The ocean too
The clouds are gray
We will have a lot of rain
They are somes birds
They falling in revers

I play and i saw the sky it was shining 
And that remember me the love and work i had spend all my day
The sky for me is more than  just blue that blue means Life
Grecia Poems, About Basho

Love and hate

The color red is pasion 
The blue of your eyes is all i want just because you are the One
The One who i want to spend my whole life

Can you hear the silence 
Can you see the dark
Can you fix  the broken  
Can you please explain me
Why you go 
Grecia Poems, About Basho

I like a lot...
I like a lot to see Naruto
I hate a lot to see Boruto
And I love how kabuto looks

Naruto try to be like jiraya
Boruto try to be like Naruto
And kabuto try to be orochimaru

Sometimes I'm scared
Sometimes I'm not scared
But I know that,God Itachi is there

God Itachi is strong
And his genjutsus are long
But I know he is among my life

Epic Poems, About Basho 
By, Alexander Garcia 

Just Like Naruto Uzumaki life can changes always
no matter what is surrouding you most never change
no matter how trys to hate you that don't have to make 
you change your mind, No alway you will have 
at your side how you love you must have that one 
that want you to her side.

Not all the fights you have will have a happy final 
you can lose someone of end with psicological damege
case of the words that people how hate you are said
no matter what try to be better always no matter what

Psyche did impossible tast for a mortal human
for the only reasson to be with the man he love 
every woman have the power to make everything
possible with the power of love.

Also man have the same power as Cupid did
he give nectar of the god to Psyche because 
he love her so much and turning she a inmortal human
too be together for the enetery life.
Acrosstic Poems, About Basho
By, Alexander Garcia 

An old man writing poems
his name Basho a nice poet
one of the best haiku poems writer 
bad that he past out but
left us full of nice poetry.

The black dog love to play 
but not always he obey 
but no matter what love my dog
I love play with he in the house.

During the time I'm working 
I think that i will become a poet 
I'm doing really nice poetry 
lets continue working

Basic man in
All the poem he write
So he loke write haiku poems
He write many of thems 
On his carrer like a poet

Ofcourse he is a 
Lovable boy that have a different point of
View from many people that know him
In his entery life only somes know well him
Never give up in any thing no mmatter what.
Narrative Poems, About Basho
By, Alexander Garcia

                                            No Electricity

During the entery day the electicity was gone
it go around 7 of the morning and came like 10 
minutes later, like 2 hours later the electrecity was 
gone at my home.

I go to my friends house and spend time with him 
all the afternoon until the electricity came back 
once it cam the electrecity was like 3 of the afternoon 
and i came back to my home
we spend a fanny time on the streth.

                    An Normal Day 

An normal day in my life is like a hole story 
once I wake up I clean my room then give food
to my dogs and then I eat my food and after 
all this is done I rest on my bed and spend time
with my phone.

Some times I dont want to do nothing 
and I only wake up and give food to my dogs 
and it my food and rest on the bed again until
the afternoon came and go to the streth.


One day like other normally i had gains to make 
some drawings and i spend around 1 hours
looking for a image to draw 
once i start, i stat with a big inspiration
but that end like 2 hours later.

i think that i have like 3 to 5 drawins
almost to the middle or almost to end it
some of this days i will try to finish they all
in my collection are like 10 or more finish drawing
and othe 7 or 5 not finish.
Grecia Poems, About Basho

The TV

 He habe love
And that is not enough
Some of thems are big 
Some of them just sleep 
One is long 
And had King Kong
He have some movies 
And is so funny i am spend a lot of fun

I just watch funny things
And that is a really good fellings 
Oh! There is blood on it
Is just want to do it
I hate the movies that are scary
I like most the One that finish with the woman married  
Grecia Poems, About Basho

My mom

My mom is angry
Because she is a hungry 
I am Alone 
Because i want to chat with the phone
She told me to not play all day
And she want me to go and play

I like to sing
But she told me to shut up
And she snap 
With stile 
I eat all day 
And told me that she dont want a whale 

Grecia Poems, About Basho


         The school is big
I love having rings
Muy mom Cook some food 
My brother is a noob 
I has 2 cats but one die
And the other is still alive

I am working hard too night 
My mom like to fight
I hate to smile when i am sad
But i need to do it because 
I dont want to look mad 
I am small
And sometimes i fall
Grecia Poems, About Basho

    A normal day

     Some kids are playing
One is laughing and the other is craying 
The little One is sad
And the other is mad
One love to fight                and the other like to stay at night

Yesterday i was angry because the light go
My love for the school is small 
Life is hard 
And sometimes i just want to cry 

I am not good at doing poems 
But i try and that is a really hard job
Grecia Poems, About Basho

Bad thing

I am so tayer  
I feel like a lieyer because i am weir inglés about things that didn't happen 
Two men are looking at me 
I want to hite them 
I watch a anime about hate
I feel that anime was FAKE 

I love the color black 
Just because is dark
I dont want a baby at home
Just because he/she would like to play with the phone
I want a job for My vacation 
Because the cituetion
Grecia Poems, About Basho

To night

I was tayer but i saw a new anime and i stay all night watching it
It has a lot of fights 
I love watching new things And experiment new feelings 
I feel happy to night 
I am not for a fight 

My mom get angry
And i was really happy 
And she told me to do My homework
I dont want to work!
But i need too
And stay in the room too 
Grecia Poems, About Basho


The roses are red the sky  is blue i love hiding of you
The boy is crazy he kick me
But dont confuse he is not My friend
He is really mad because he is doing everything bad
He hate me
And i hate him too

The start reflect all about you 
And that remember me that i miss you
That afect me a lot in my heart 
I feel sad whe i am so far from you 
That is a horrible feeling 

Grecia Poems, About Basho


 The tree is Alone 
Because he is the only One that is small
I like to have a little ball 
All the tree leave are falling

I love eating
That give me a lot of felling
Is so hot
I want to swing 
And dont be ing 
of my house
Free Verse Poems, about Basho
By. Alexander Garcia 

Just like the little chlid does his work
everyone else should do the same
for get better results 
and have a different point of view
everyone come on and work.

Finish the work and you will have free time 
them you can play with the console 
and have a nice time
but first finish all  the work.

As a huge tree full of green leaves
the grass should be totally green
comparing the beautiful colors of the flowers 
on the ground, rain came back 
and make a dessaster on the green place.

Huges trees brake down and cover all the flowers
the grass become green in totally 
the flowers were gone cause of the trees
and the trees were gone cause of the rain
sune every thing will be back again .

Like Naruto Uzumaki belive in his self 
you should be beliving in you 
you can do what ever you want if you belive 
in the power that your own self have.

Is not easy to belive in your self
when evverything is going down
but there are people that help you grow up
always belive in your self like Naruto.

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019

Haiku Poems, about Basho
By, Alexander Garcia

Soft rocks
like rose petals
at the shore of the river.

Huges trees 
with big green leaves
expressing pazz.

Little child in
the middle of the forest
writing haikus poems.

Dry leaves falling
The ground full of orange leaves
starting autumn.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019

Matsuo Basho

9th grade has been trying many new things and one of thoose things are working online...
This time they have to post 50 poems, base in the different types of poems about the poet MATSUO BASHO