domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019

Epic Poems, About Basho 
By, Alexander Garcia 

Just Like Naruto Uzumaki life can changes always
no matter what is surrouding you most never change
no matter how trys to hate you that don't have to make 
you change your mind, No alway you will have 
at your side how you love you must have that one 
that want you to her side.

Not all the fights you have will have a happy final 
you can lose someone of end with psicological damege
case of the words that people how hate you are said
no matter what try to be better always no matter what

Psyche did impossible tast for a mortal human
for the only reasson to be with the man he love 
every woman have the power to make everything
possible with the power of love.

Also man have the same power as Cupid did
he give nectar of the god to Psyche because 
he love her so much and turning she a inmortal human
too be together for the enetery life.

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