domingo, 5 de mayo de 2019

Narrative Poems, About Basho
By, Alexander Garcia

                                            No Electricity

During the entery day the electicity was gone
it go around 7 of the morning and came like 10 
minutes later, like 2 hours later the electrecity was 
gone at my home.

I go to my friends house and spend time with him 
all the afternoon until the electricity came back 
once it cam the electrecity was like 3 of the afternoon 
and i came back to my home
we spend a fanny time on the streth.

                    An Normal Day 

An normal day in my life is like a hole story 
once I wake up I clean my room then give food
to my dogs and then I eat my food and after 
all this is done I rest on my bed and spend time
with my phone.

Some times I dont want to do nothing 
and I only wake up and give food to my dogs 
and it my food and rest on the bed again until
the afternoon came and go to the streth.


One day like other normally i had gains to make 
some drawings and i spend around 1 hours
looking for a image to draw 
once i start, i stat with a big inspiration
but that end like 2 hours later.

i think that i have like 3 to 5 drawins
almost to the middle or almost to end it
some of this days i will try to finish they all
in my collection are like 10 or more finish drawing
and othe 7 or 5 not finish.

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